2020 Max Jeschek Shooting

2020 Max Jeschek Shooting

„When I let go, I feel the music and life itself flowing.“

It wasn’t until he almost drowned in the Atlantic ocean that Max Jeschek decided to open his heart and release his music into the world. After the production of several Rock albums, now the German guitarist takes his music to an even deeper and more personal level. The outcome is a melodic, meditative and minimalistic approach with a warm and wide acoustic guitar sound – just perfect to calm down, relax and explore on the spiritual journey.
Currently, the artist is working on a new album with spiritual instrumental acoustic guitar music which is to be released in May 2021.

Max’s music is used on TV in various European countries, in the U.S. and – every once in a while – in Japan. In 2020, award-winning Dutch composer Kerani featured him on her album Sands of Time. His songs are added to more and more playlists on Spotify.

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