
Sophisticated Concert Photography as Donationware

Now you can appreciate my concert photos as Donationware!

Deutsche Version

Short version: For the impatient

Send me a reasonable amount ‚X‘ to my Paypal account and you will shortly receive the photos you want as Dropbox-Link.

Extended version: The facts at your fingertips

What´s free of charge?
I would come to your concert or event and stay without any obligation. Free is also the linking of blog posts and sharing posts on my Facebook page, Twitter or Google+. Just use the social media buttons below the blog posts or use the Share button on the social media platforms.

What is not free of charge?
Copying photos, downloading, posting online, uploading or the use of photos of any kind. If you like the pictures and you like to use them, you should appreciate my work. Please respect the copyright of the photographer.

How much are my photos?
That depends entirely on you. I sell my photos as Donation-Ware. In other words, you pay for what the photos are worth to you. As you know: „What costs nothing is worth nothing“ and vice versa. Accordingly, I wish to see a fair payment for my work. Surely you know what a professional photo equipment with numerous lenses, a high-end computer with calibrated monitors and a professional image editing software costs. All this needs to be maintained and up-to-date. The image processing is very time consuming. Each photo is processed with love and care and is therefore a valuable and unique copy.

How does it work?
Just send me an amount ‚X‘ on my account (BBBank // IBAN: DE80 6609 0800 0000 6549 06 // BIC: GENODE61BBB).
For quick payment, please use Paypal and usually you´ll get your photos within 24 hours after the receipt of payment. The photos you want will be send as Dropbox-Link.

Can I buy a complete photo gallery?
Of course. The handling is exactly the same as for individual photos, only the amount should be adjusted accordingly.

Are the purchased photos for any kind of usage?
With the donation you´ll get the license and permission to use the picture (or the photo gallery) for your purposes (eg. press work, CD covers, posters, website, Facebook). A transfer to and use by third parties corresponds to a reproduction of my works and requires further donation.

Do I get an invoice?
Of course, you also receive an invoice. In accordance with § 19 (1) UStG there is no sales tax included. If paying by Paypal, the invoice amount shall be reduced automatically by the Paypal fees.

Using the photos on Facebook
If you want to upload photos on Facebook, I would like you to use a watermark. If this is not wanted for any reason, the attribution „Photo: van-der-voorden.com“ or „Photo: René van der Voorden“ to each photo is my explicit wish.

Using the photos on a website
Again, the author of the photos should always be mentioned.

Can I only buy concert photos?
No, you can also purchase other photos, however not as a donation-ware. We will be renegotiating the price of each individual photo.

How do I find certain concert photos?
This blog post describes it in detail. Tell me the number of the desired photo in the portfolio or send me a screenshoot. Preferably with the date and place, then I can find the photos very quickly in my archive. A link of the blog posts that contains the images you want will also help.

Do you have any further questions?
Please leave a comment or send me an Email.

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